Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Spring is finally here. For us that just means more rain, but warmer rain, usually.  It also means it's time to plant stuff.

Our yard is full of lovely bulbs.  The tulips and daffodils have all ready come and gone, but iris are my favorite, so I actually went to the effort of photographing one.  They are pretty aren't they.

I also planted my herbs in vintage bunt pans and a vintage enamel mixing bowl.  I'm a little bit in love with them.  They are currently lining my front walk.  I'll probably move them to the back yard because it's off my kitchen, but they do look happy here.

Of course my rusty old tool box.  It will look amazing when these pretty blooms fill in.

I had a smaller vintage pan.  I'm not sure what it was used for.  Succulents are a favorite of mine.  I picked up a few at a church plant sale last weekend.  I planted one in here.

The others I planted directly into a few small places in my flower beds.  They will fill in and give me a some worry free spots next year.

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