Thursday, June 21, 2012

Small Projects

I haven't shared very many smaller projects here.  Some of you know that I've been sick for a long time.  Now that I am feeling better I am working on decorating this "new" house, I thought I'd share some of the smaller objects I've been working on as I get this house ever-so-slowly put back together.

I used to have a two bright green frames holding my jewelry.  They didn't go well in our bedroom here, plus it was time to drastically purge my jewelry.  I hardly wear any of it anymore, so I only kept the few things I wear and the the pieces that are the most special to me.  Then I made them a new holder.

I saw this on Pinterest.   (YAY Pinterest)

The original idea came from this blog:
It's not in English, so I can't search for the original post though.

Enjoy my experimental photography.  

1 comment :

  1. Hey that's a great idea for those finger shearing graters. Very Cute!


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