Monday, August 22, 2011


The critters here at the Apple House are all growing up and getting bigger.

The chickens are now old enough to start laying eggs,  We've only had one egg to date, but expect bunches of them any day now.

The cats are no longer kittens, even if they aren't full grown.  Abner has three mice under his belt and Sadie has one.  They both recently started climbing trees, an activity they clearly enjoy, as they run up and down, from one tree to the next.  It's a good skill to have when you live in an apple orchard. (no picture of Sadie, she wasn't hanging around while the camera was out.)

And of course my baby. . . who isn't much of a baby anymore.  We call Leo 'the giant baby,' but soon will have to change that to 'the giant boy.'  He is wearing 2T and 3T clothes, walking everywhere, getting into everything, 'talking' constantly, and generally charming the pants off of anyone he meets.

Yes, fall is approaching.  Harvest season is approaching.  Spring is over and my babies are all growing up.  Sigh.  If they weren't still so cute I would sob, but who can cry looking at all these beautiful critters and how much they've grown.

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